
Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church! It is our joy to have you worship with us.

We believe God invites you to the table. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is available to all baptized Christians who recognize in the Sacrament the true body and blood of our Lord. Children are welcome to the table. The bread is a gluten-free bread, but does contain almond meal. If you have an allergy, please let the pastor know so we can provide you with a wafer instead. Anyone having difficulty walking to the communion rail may receive Holy Communion at their seat. Please inform an usher of your need. Anyone not communing is invited to the table for a blessing.

We believe worship should be accessible for all. Hearing devices and large-print bulletins are available from the ushers. Standing and kneeling happen throughout the worship service, but you are still worshipping fully with the community when you sit through these parts.

We believe children belong in worship. Faith is caught, not taught! Children learn by example, and are always welcome at every worship service. If a child becomes restless and their guardians decide there is a need to remove the child from church, a quiet space is available next to the sanctuary in Hartzell Lounge, where a tote of items has been provided, until the parent feels that the child is ready to return to the church service. Sunday Church School for elementary aged children is also offered at 9:30 A.M. during the school year for families who prefer that option. The classroom is located on the top floor of the education building.

We believe faith formation is for all ages. Watch the newsletter and the web site for Bible studies, service projects, and other opportunities to nurture your faith.

We believe God calls us to pray as a community. Prayer requests may be made by calling the church office or by in the Prayer Request Book located in the entrance hall (Narthex).

We believe God calls us to be welcoming to all. Being in a new church can be nerve-wracking to say the least. If you are unsure where something is or how something goes, please ask. We want to make sure you feel welcome. Restroom facilities are located just to the right of the sanctuary as you exit, next to the elevator.

Upcoming Events

Contact Us

Office Address:
Messiah Lutheran Church
324 South Howard Street
South Williamsport, PA 17702
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Non-emergency Phone:  (570) 326-9171

Pastoral Emergency:
Pastor Jeff LeCrone is currently our pastoral care pastor. To reach him, please call (570) 326-9171. This number is available 24 hours a day. During working hours, office staff will assist you in contacting the Pastor. When the office is closed, you will be asked to press “3” for a Pastoral emergency. When you press “3” you will be connected to the Pastor.