Worship and Sacraments
Sunday Morning Worship
Traditional Worship is offered in our sanctuary. This service combines a formal liturgy with sacred music that features both our Organ and Chancel Choir. It is not unusual to find a special guest of gusts helping to lead us in worship on a given Sunday; an instrumentalist or soloist, or a group such as a string quartet or brass ensemble.
Children in Worship are always welcome during both of our traditional a.m. services, and encourage to join their families for worship. If you feel your child needs a break and you wish to remove him/her from the service for a time, the lounge just off of the sanctuary offers a quiet retreat to allow your child to stretch a bit.
Chancel Flowers: Consider a gift of Chancel Flowers to memorialize or honor a special family member or event and enhance the worship service at the same time. The donor may specify the type of arrangement that is provided and is responsible for the cost (as determined by the florist, depending on the type of arrangement chosen.) After the service, the donor may pick up the flowers or have them delivered to a member of the congregation or a shut-in. If you are interested in providing chancel flowers, please contact Cindy Bennett at 570-971-7890.
Sanctuary Lamp: Consider lighting the sanctuary lamp to memorialize or honor a special family member or event and enhance the worship service at the same time. The cost to donor is $20. If you are interested in lighting the sanctuary lamp in honor or memory of someone, please contact the church office at 570-236-9171.
Lay Worship Assistants: Lay worship assistants are needed each Sunday during morning worship and at special services throughout the year. If you would like to participate in our worship service as a lay worship assistant, please contact the church office at 570-326-9171.
Prayer Requests: Prayer requests may be made by contacting the church office at 570-326-9171 or emailing messiahoffice@comcast.net.
Baptism is a sacrament of grace, a symbol of God’s love for us throughout our lives. It is also a sign of entry into the church, the community of God’s people. Adults who wish to make an affirmation of faith in Christ may be baptized and received into membership in the church. It is important but not required that at least one of the parents of infants and children baptized in the church be an active member of a Christian congregation. If the parent is currently a member of a church other than Messiah, then we will need special permission from the church at which the parent holds membership.
Traditionally, baptisms are held in public worship on a designated Sunday. Baptism Sundays are announced in The Messiah Messenger at least three weeks prior to the event. Our expectation is that parents who have their children baptized in this church will encourage their sons and daughters to grow in the faith by attending worship and Sunday School and by working to create a Christian home environment.
Planning Your Wedding at Messiah Lutheran Church: It is our prayer that each and every marriage give honor to God. This hope is founded n the belief that marriage is a special and unique gift from a loving God who desires to be at the heart of relationship between a husband and a wife and who desires them to grow in love for God and one another.
If you would like to explore the possibility of having your wedding at the church or performed by the pastor off—site, contact the church office. We will provide and informational booklet with guideline and a wedding application form. These are also available on the church’s web site. Marriage is one of God’s greatest blessings. Our sincere desire is that weddings performed at Messiah will be a wonderful experience and a great launch into the joys and challenges of Christian marriage.
Marriage Preparation: Our pastor provides pre-marital counseling for all couples he/she would wed. These sessions allow for the bride, groom, and pastor to get to know one another and for counseling related to spiritual, emotional, and inter-personal issues; and of planning the wedding services. The PREPARE/ENRICH couple assessment program and other tools that may be deemed helpful are used as part of our pre-marital ministry.
Marriage Enrichment: We are committed to the ministry of building strong and healthy marriages and families. This church and pastor will continue to be available to you for consultation ad support as your life as husband and wife unfolds.
Assistance in Times of Trouble
The pastor is available for short term marriage counseling. When the need is greater, the pastor is prepared to recommend a professional counselor.
Funeral and Memorial Services: When there is a death, contact the church immediately at 570-326-9171 to speak with the pastor. The church office can provide full details on planning the service. Messiah Lutheran Church opens its facilities to all people in life and in death.
Grief and Bereavement Ministries: All of us at some time in our life will experience the death of a loved one. During the period of grief and adjustment that follows a death, the church and its pastor will continue to be available for support. Our developing bereavement ministry includes phone calls, notes and cards and other ministries related to grief and loss.